Tuesday, January 24, 2023

entry #4 it has been some time!

oh whoops! i forgot about this blog in NOVEMBER. i guess i've just been kind of in my own head for a few weeks. dave and i started a minecraft server which is pretty neat. we installed a lot of wizardry and adventure mods so we can embark on epic magical journeys. unfortunately, we're running out of things to do! we already have the most op armour. we've got twilight forest, but that's about it! we were gonna install more mods today but dave felt tired and wanted to see what all the hype surrounding that bluey show was about. i told him it was just a dumb baby show people liked for no reason, but he didn't believe me. suffice to say he thought it was incredibly stupid. like i told him it was. that guy. 

(also, weird side note but i managed to forget my own birthday? man, all this worry is actually driving me nuts! i turned seventeen in JANUARY! i also got my drivers licence in case anyone actually read my previous posts where i was preparing to sit the theory test.)

oh, and i managed to commission one of my favorite homestuck artist's, @protagonist_of ! a little more commonly known as deacon blues. here is what he drew me: 
really cool, right? it was actually a christmas gift for dave because he likes deacon's art a lot. as do i, don't get me wrong! but deacon managed to finish it right on time for my birthday. perfect timing, hehe. the first and last time i'll ever commission anyone for art cause the process is grievous on my end. i'm really glad i did it though. i'll frame this and put it up in my dorm when i move out for university. 

speaking of, i should really be studying. i'm pretty sure i have adhd or something because my focus is god awful. but i can't really get a diagnosis because, god forbid! i hope i can get medication for it when i'm older so studying can be a little less... distracting. i want to go to uni in america, and to do that i need to sit for the SAT and ACT tests. more studying to pile up on my already stressful year! i'm taking grade 12 chem, bio, stats, english, and painting. on top of that i'm learning coding languages on the side so i have some kind of experience in that field too... yikes! i have so much to do this year! how am i ever gonna start my homestuck webcomic! 

oh well. i'll use the last of my break to get the general gist of it fully down so i can at least start on it. wish me luck! 
