Sunday, November 5, 2023

entry #11

overwatch and exams! 

i am so excited for the new overwatch changes. so, i'm a pretty avid player. it's like, my favorite fps game ever! it's like the perfect blend of every element of fps games i like mixed into one game. though, it has a lot of balance issues and blizzard kind of ruined the game by making it a free to play battlepass kind of game. this sucks cause it means you miss out on all the cool new stuff if you don't pay! really lame. but, sometimes the game will get to you. i spent twenty bucks on this widowmaker skin i really liked. i don't even play widowmaker! but it was just too good to miss. it's the medusa skin! it just looks awesome. i'm a big fan of the snakes in her hair. i don't think i would've gotten it if it didn't have that awesome detail. anyways, i was talking about the changes. 

so there's going to be a new support hero and a new dps hero. i'm actually really excited for one of them because they're an archaeologist! they can dig into the ground and that's really dope. i'm a big archaeology fan. the other one looks like some sort of space ranger? they already introduced mauga, the new tank, into the game. he's on free trial right now. honestly? i don't know how i feel about him! i don't play tank and when i do play tank i don't play tanks that don't have protection abilities. mauga has one but it's pretty shit. so, when i'm playing support my primary focus always has to be on the tank. because with TWO SUPPORTS he's still really easy to kill. sometimes it's harder depending on how good the supports are. i just think there's a lot of balance issues with his abilities. if there's an ashe and a bastion and a mauga on the same team with two main healers the team is basically impossible to kill. bastion is already horrendously in need of a nerf, paired with mauga's guns... dude. it's torture! even though ashe is pretty shit right now, her dynamite can set enemies on fire and that's annoying cause mauga's right gun does crit damage on enemies that are set ablaze. his left gun sets people on fire way too quickly and with ashe's dynamite he can easily wipe people out like it's nothing. and then paired with god damn bastion behind him! and then baptiste with his immortality field! daagh! so annoying! playing against mauga means you probably need to have kiriko on your team so she can extinguish you. 

anyways, since you've come this far you're probably curious as to who i play on overwatch! i don't stick to one hero so i don't really have a hardcore 'main'. when i started playing in 2018 i really liked junkrat so i stuck to him until i started playing again and now i'm really fond of reaper. i'm a damage/support kind of guy. when i play tank i play rein, cause he's the only one i know how to play. i play mei sometimes too but i like playing with meis more than i like playing as her. sometimes i'll dabble in soldier gameplay but i'm pretty dog at him. same with pharah! i'm just good at her ult.

and then in terms of support  i like zen and mercy. sometimes moira and ana too. mostly zen and mercy. i feel really dumb playing mercy sometimes because everyone who plays her is a girl. but, i really like her mobility. mobility is super important to me and being able to fly around the map is insanely fun. zen is just really cool. i get to play both support and dps as him. plus, his skins are awesome. 

talking about skins! here are my skins for the heros i play. 

i like to switch between fastball and cultist. mostly cause cultist reminds me of an old friend so i feel like even though that's the cooler skin, i'm probably best off representing myself with good ol' fastball! 

 anyways, i'm also quite behind on exam studying. well, i've been studying... to no avail. i think there's just a part of me who knows what i'm passionate about and i have some kind of selective learning! in one ear out the other. i just hope i pass this statistics test in 30 hours! then i have a chemistry test... man! life is so difficult! i might sit them both out. who knows. i'm sick of this whole school thing.

anyways, i'm out.
