Thursday, August 8, 2024

entry #13

 yesterday i had this unexplainable urge to go and play an older version of minecraft. and that is exactly what i did. i wanted to play an older, beta version of minecraft. i settled for release 1.1 cause i have no idea what version i started playing on. it was definitely not 1.1, but i distinctly remember the singular list of all the items creative inventory with the inventory being full. so i just went with that. beta minecraft is fun but my version of playing that as a kid was playing minecraft PE LITE. 

so, playing beta minecraft kind of ends up feelings the same because of how this version worked haha. i spent a lot of time playing this one. but, for the sake of me actually being able to achieve some things in the game i started playing minecraft 1.1

so, i don't have any screenshots of the first hour and a half of me playing. essentially, i realized i preferred the combat a lot more (spam kill), even though with the knockback it's kind of difficult to do that. i also felt a lot more accomplished finding my first diamonds, not so much with coal. cause in newer minecraft you can get multiple drops of coal from one block of ore. you only get one in this version. and i don't think it comes with any experience either? anyways, had a fulfilling mining session, decided i wanted to explore my surroundings and pick a spot for my home. surely i'd find a nice plains biome next to a forest to settle down near. maybe even a village! 


stupid idiot... STUPID... STUPID! I LIVE IN A DESOLATE WINTER WONDERLAND!!! TWO THOUSAND BLOCKS OUT and i realize HOLY SHIT THERE IS NOTHING BUT SNOW OUT HERE. i found four different biomes, other than the SOULESS ARCTIC. i spawned in a forest that neighbored a snowy spruce forest, somewhere sandwiched in-between the snow was a swamp, and 2,000 blocks out there is a mushroom island. that's it. i ended up losing my dog on the way too cause i left the mushroom island on a boat and i guess he got unloaded and didn't teleport to me after i got in the water. so, goodbye, junior. until the next time i decide to fucking venture out 2,000 blocks north. and unfortunately, that's where it ended. it was just one big cold island.

 so, back to spawn i went. now it was time to build my house! i got a crap load of wood from the forest and cleared out a little area next to the water. decided i was gonna spruce up the house (not really) with some birch and oak to make this checkered pattern in the walls. 

time to get some birch wood! 

hey, wait a second.

huh that's weird. 



no fucking birch wood. it just turns into oak planks. i guess this was pre-birch? i don't know why they didn't do this upon minecraft's "release." but, whatever! guess i'll just get inventive. 


here is my wonderfully checkered house. i went with the checkered theme and i guess i just stuck with it for this floor in particular cause the entire inside is checkered too. 

didn't feel like there was a need for windows since i was going to have a massive glass dome for a ceiling. i've decided to dedicate that room to enchanting and then below that could be my nether room. 

 which looks pretty sick with the lava walls. 

i also built a farm and a little dock in a nearby pond so i can get some fish. after i start growing some crops i'm gonna trap some animals in that little enclosure on the left so i have a reliable food source. i might also see if i can make a working mob farm. 

anyways, here's the section where i talk about my life. 

i unenrolled in compsci 101 cause it was just so so so crazy! too much work when i'm doing fucking bioengineering and biochemistry on the side. so, i swapped it out to another compsci course, which is honestly so much more relaxing! i have four weeks of catchup work, but it's pretty chill. and i will have to get to that later tonight. so far it's just getting familiar with computer hardware. 

i have also been making an MSPFA with dave. wow, FINALLY! he insists on calling it homebound but i think if we give it some time i can come up with a creative name for it. cause everybody does "homebound" that's not gonna set it aside from the rest. we managed to finish an entire walkaround for it and you can play it but it's not good right now and i haven't set up the content warnings or anything else about it. it's got "mature themes" right now but i need to add a warning for the language i'll use in the future as well. cause i don't want anyone to think i can't say the word "retard" when i make the characters assholes to each other. 

also made some quesadillas last night to enjoy for lunch today and enjoy them i did. it was the first time my friend august ever looked at my cooking with a positive remark. 


truly, i am a winner today. 
