Thursday, September 5, 2024

entry #12 x-men movie marathon

 so, recently i've been watching all of the x-men movies in a consecutive order. here's my really uninteresting review of x-men to x-men first class.

X-MEN (2000) 

ok, so, i want to clarify that my x-men knowledge pre-watching this movie was close to nothing, zilch! i remember picking up whatever run had scott and evil jean and scott was gonna die??? this was ages ago at my school library that didn't offer a plentiful selection of comic books anyways. the point is, i have limited knowledge and i no memory of the movie from whenever i had seen it as a kid. so, this is a new experience! a new and exciting experience. 

now, this wouldn't have turned into a movie marathon had i not LOVED this movie! professor x is awesome, and i was rooting for wolverine and scott and everyone really. except for rogue, who was alright, but jeez i was waiting for a big moment from her! aside from the bit where she was sucking the power out of wolverine to heal herself. but, that's not really stepping up and being a badass and saving the day. she's the damsel in distress for the whole movie, which is fine for the first one but, this is especially something that frustrates me in the third movie. i'll get into that later. 

magneto is a really cool villain, but the whole time i was thinking about someone deploying an inflatable hamster ball that trapped him in there made out of plastic. problem solved. they actually do this in the second movie. it was a lot cozier than what i had imagined.

i was also thinking "why doesn't charles just mind control everyone to like the mutants" but i read something somewhere on a forum that talked about how that would be a really fishy historical event and end up backfiring on the mutants. cause then people would look at the past and go, hmm... that's weird why did everybody on the the fourth of april 2000 at 4:34 pm suddenly decide to stop being racist. must be the mutants! ragh, i'm racist again. also charles would have to mind control any newborn that grows up and decides to hate the mutants cause they're not under mind control yet. point is, that'd be a chore, and it'd probably make his mind explode from overworking his power. 

i thought it was kind of funny how wolverine kept cucking scott, though. i feel really bad for the guy. poor dude has the girl of his dreams and hairy hugh jackman comes around with his fist claws and suddenly his wife has all the hots for him. 

i think the stupidest mutant was toad. every time he was on screen doing his frog thing i felt sick. that tongue cgi was disgusting. i don't know if anyone has seen ghoulies (1984), but i keep being reminded of that movie every time he sticks his gross tongue out.

anyways, i'd give this movie a solid 4 stars cause i'm a sucker for superheros. also, halle berry is my dream girl in this movie.

X-2 (2003) 

it's devastating the way this movie was released a year too late and not on the second of february. if you're gonna have a number in your movie title you might as well time the release date on theme. haha, i think that'd be impossible anyways with how lengthy movie production is.

anyways, this movie is also pretty ace. i liked how the bad guys from the last movie have to work with the good guys. rogue is as important as her character will get for the next five movies in this one. it's a gradual decline from there, cause she doesn't even exist in the other movies after the last stand. 

i don't have a lot of particularly revolutionary thoughts about this movie. i liked it. it was cool that the villain had some ties in with wolverine. they somehow managed to make storm even hotter in this movie. my friend august tells me they absolutely massacred nightcrawler's character in this film, but i'm honestly not too familiar with nightcrawler enough to know if there was any injustice done there. i trust my friend though. especially cause the only thing i remember about him briefly is that he is mystiques son. so, was pretty confused as to why that wasn't brought up when he was talking to her about being cursed by james cameron.

jean grey died.


jk, she's pretty neat. 


what. happened.

they started killing off all the cool x-men like fucking marvel endgame in which scott dies the most pathetic cuck death of the century and proceeds to get FURTHER CUCKED moments after his death. guess all those cold shoulders from jean in the previous movie makes sense! she wanted that guy stone cold dead and ATOMIZED so she could hook up with bigfoot! i was lowkey hoping jean would turn around and piece him back together but i guess that wasn't in the cards for him or charles cause jean's evil persona was super horny and mad she couldn't get some! what the heck?

rogue ALSO gets cucked. WHAT IS HAPPENING? people are getting killed and cucked and un-mutated left to right! 

 people are dying left to right and getting cucked and MYSTIQUE ALSO gets... platonically cucked? magneto essentially just ditches her forever for the other mutants when she gets whitewashed. 

but you know what the worst offender of all was? 

THIS. THIS IS INSANITY. what is with the way they've dyed her hair?! why couldn't they just keep it straight white or that platinum blonde from the last movie? the black streaks in there look so off-putting. this is a tragedy, and they've done my girl halle berry dirty. 

anyways, rogue becomes my least favorite character in this movie. i have to shit talk her again. it's just so sad. instead of learning to love herself for who she is and being able to make the most epic save of the movie in place of wolverine, she pussies out. i mean, ok, i get it. but, couldn't she have received the cure after? one last heroic use of her powers before she turns to a life of normality? or learn to touch her boyfriend through a skinsuit or something? has nobody tried to wrap her in saran wrap? i was expecting instead of wolverine, that somehow miraculously he would distract her long enough for rogue to lunge at her and suck away all her powers and whatnot. or maybe she could have done that with literally anyone else who was trying to kidnap that bald kid. it was so lame the way she nopes out for most of the movie. i ended up rooting for bobby and kitty at some point cause she's just not there for the fight at all. 

and, man, i wish we saw more of that awesome angel dude. he seemed like such a cool character, and an even cooler mutant. i was expecting him to be more dialogue-heavy. 

anyways, magneto gets a taste of his own medicine for the first time in his long long long long long long long long long life. but, i thought it was cool the way he still might have powers. so, that cure was a piece of conksucky shit anyways and didn't even work. great. whole movie was for nothing. i bet in a later movie we'll see mystique again too, the one played by rebecca romijn. and she is a sexy blue lady again.


i'm just gonna be real with you, this movie was just ok. i guess we got more insight about wolverine's backstory, but here lies the first inconsistent retconning that doesn't exactly make a lot of sense. 


ok, so now he's more than an animalistic brute. now he's a guy with nuance, but he's still pretty freaking evil. seriously, what are the upsides to working for stryker at that point? you got your claws! i guess with how power hungry and greedy he is, one could say he is still quite an animal... heh... anyways, i have no idea why they made him wolverine's half brother. i'm not sure i've ever heard about wolverine having any sort of familial tie with sabretooth at all. so, this was a strange new development, as i'm sure it was for actual diehard x-men fans. anyways, this movie was boring, but at least deadpool was also really shitty to make things better.

kidding, that made things so much worse. i'll give it to stryker for sewing his mouth shut, that was kind of funny given his name. but, turning him into a fucking kabutop evil superman hybrid? what a way to make a joke out of deadpool in the lamest way possible. it was comedic if you look at it from a satirical lens but you know someone on the writing team was getting all giddy over their epic new supervillain idea. 

why worry? each of us is wearing an unlicensed nuclear accelerator in his back. 


let's get ready.

switch me on.

was not impressed. neeext! 


ok, more retconning. greeeaaaaaaat... i love it when that happens. NOT! well, okay, i wasn't too confused by it. but, that makes the scene where magneto and professor x go and recruit jean for their school make absolutely no sense. there are probably a lot more inconsistencies that i can't recall to point out. 

oh, i tweeted about this, but i thought this minor detail was super funny for no reason. 

why are they both drinking... 


i think hank poured a glass for himself, and then offered it to banshee who thought it'd be awkward to decline. 

also not much to say about this movie, but i guess it makes sense why mystique is so loyal to magneto. but now that i know she's super old, why didn't she turn into an old lady when she was stripped of her powers. i guess seeing a naked old woman lying there instead of rebecca romijn would have been kind of unappealing. anyways, i was unsure of who to root for with her and her love life. she had three different love interests and that's really actually four when you think about x2 where she tried to bang wolverine for no reason. man, is hugh jackman really that irresistible to the ladies?  

ok, enough of this! thank god i stopped there. like i said, got halfway through wolverine and got bored.

those were my thoughts, thanks for reading!


Thursday, August 8, 2024

entry #13

 yesterday i had this unexplainable urge to go and play an older version of minecraft. and that is exactly what i did. i wanted to play an older, beta version of minecraft. i settled for release 1.1 cause i have no idea what version i started playing on. it was definitely not 1.1, but i distinctly remember the singular list of all the items creative inventory with the inventory being full. so i just went with that. beta minecraft is fun but my version of playing that as a kid was playing minecraft PE LITE. 

so, playing beta minecraft kind of ends up feelings the same because of how this version worked haha. i spent a lot of time playing this one. but, for the sake of me actually being able to achieve some things in the game i started playing minecraft 1.1

so, i don't have any screenshots of the first hour and a half of me playing. essentially, i realized i preferred the combat a lot more (spam kill), even though with the knockback it's kind of difficult to do that. i also felt a lot more accomplished finding my first diamonds, not so much with coal. cause in newer minecraft you can get multiple drops of coal from one block of ore. you only get one in this version. and i don't think it comes with any experience either? anyways, had a fulfilling mining session, decided i wanted to explore my surroundings and pick a spot for my home. surely i'd find a nice plains biome next to a forest to settle down near. maybe even a village! 


stupid idiot... STUPID... STUPID! I LIVE IN A DESOLATE WINTER WONDERLAND!!! TWO THOUSAND BLOCKS OUT and i realize HOLY SHIT THERE IS NOTHING BUT SNOW OUT HERE. i found four different biomes, other than the SOULESS ARCTIC. i spawned in a forest that neighbored a snowy spruce forest, somewhere sandwiched in-between the snow was a swamp, and 2,000 blocks out there is a mushroom island. that's it. i ended up losing my dog on the way too cause i left the mushroom island on a boat and i guess he got unloaded and didn't teleport to me after i got in the water. so, goodbye, junior. until the next time i decide to fucking venture out 2,000 blocks north. and unfortunately, that's where it ended. it was just one big cold island.

 so, back to spawn i went. now it was time to build my house! i got a crap load of wood from the forest and cleared out a little area next to the water. decided i was gonna spruce up the house (not really) with some birch and oak to make this checkered pattern in the walls. 

time to get some birch wood! 

hey, wait a second.

huh that's weird. 



no fucking birch wood. it just turns into oak planks. i guess this was pre-birch? i don't know why they didn't do this upon minecraft's "release." but, whatever! guess i'll just get inventive. 


here is my wonderfully checkered house. i went with the checkered theme and i guess i just stuck with it for this floor in particular cause the entire inside is checkered too. 

didn't feel like there was a need for windows since i was going to have a massive glass dome for a ceiling. i've decided to dedicate that room to enchanting and then below that could be my nether room. 

 which looks pretty sick with the lava walls. 

i also built a farm and a little dock in a nearby pond so i can get some fish. after i start growing some crops i'm gonna trap some animals in that little enclosure on the left so i have a reliable food source. i might also see if i can make a working mob farm. 

anyways, here's the section where i talk about my life. 

i unenrolled in compsci 101 cause it was just so so so crazy! too much work when i'm doing fucking bioengineering and biochemistry on the side. so, i swapped it out to another compsci course, which is honestly so much more relaxing! i have four weeks of catchup work, but it's pretty chill. and i will have to get to that later tonight. so far it's just getting familiar with computer hardware. 

i have also been making an MSPFA with dave. wow, FINALLY! he insists on calling it homebound but i think if we give it some time i can come up with a creative name for it. cause everybody does "homebound" that's not gonna set it aside from the rest. we managed to finish an entire walkaround for it and you can play it but it's not good right now and i haven't set up the content warnings or anything else about it. it's got "mature themes" right now but i need to add a warning for the language i'll use in the future as well. cause i don't want anyone to think i can't say the word "retard" when i make the characters assholes to each other. 

also made some quesadillas last night to enjoy for lunch today and enjoy them i did. it was the first time my friend august ever looked at my cooking with a positive remark. 


truly, i am a winner today. 


Thursday, July 25, 2024

entry #12

it has been a few months since i wrote a blog post. i am now officially in university! woohoo! 

anyways, i won't get into all of that cause it's pretty boring. so, let me talk about what i've been getting up to lately.

i'm on my second semester of uni, and honestly, it's pretty freaking awful. as in, the workload is absurd and i hate it. the subjects? pretty cool. i'm doing biochemistry, bioengineering, compsci, and anthropology. so far, anthropology is surprisingly my favorite. biochemistry and bioengineering really suck. i'm actually behind on work, both schoolwork and commissions. so i need to get around to that. but, in my free time i've made my first youtube video... 

here it is, if you're curious.

it's just ghostbusters the video game (remastered) gameplay, nothing special. wanted to kickstart my youtube career with something simple. i dunno what other kinds of videos i'd make anyways. i've also been customizing my laptop for a bit. it currently looks a bit like this...

excuse the star trek episode i am currently watching (it's the among us one), but i've changed my background from the core 2003 to armageddon! which is one of my favorite movies. i also changed my theme for google and discord and some of my icons to look more gummy like and old. some of the other icons and whatnot are themed after windows XP. i guess i couldn't make up my mind to pick what i wanted the most.

i have also begun to code my own website that you can find here:

but, i haven't made the mobile css for it yet so i urge you to view it on your computer and only that. i'm planning on putting everything on there and slowly reducing my online presence. i think social media is the bane of a lot of my issues, and i need some kind of cleanse. this is good. i can still share my work, but without exposing myself to negativities clouding social media. i think it'd be nice, and i like personalizing the way i use the web. 

i'm planning on doing my computer science labs tonight, and then i gotta do some of the commissions i have. i plan on finishing two tonight, i hope. but, i also hope i can make my lab report on time too! compsci is pretty complicated and math heavy, which is quite literally my weakest subject. but a few 

so far, plans in regards for personal projects are i'm making a different version of my "rotisserie quest" project. i'm a little less headstrong about it, but it's going to be similar in a lot of ways. i'm making mini comics that i'll hopefully put out soon. maybe i'll put them up on strawpage or mspfa! we'll have to see. 

anywho, i'll try to update some more later. 


Sunday, November 5, 2023

entry #11

overwatch and exams! 

i am so excited for the new overwatch changes. so, i'm a pretty avid player. it's like, my favorite fps game ever! it's like the perfect blend of every element of fps games i like mixed into one game. though, it has a lot of balance issues and blizzard kind of ruined the game by making it a free to play battlepass kind of game. this sucks cause it means you miss out on all the cool new stuff if you don't pay! really lame. but, sometimes the game will get to you. i spent twenty bucks on this widowmaker skin i really liked. i don't even play widowmaker! but it was just too good to miss. it's the medusa skin! it just looks awesome. i'm a big fan of the snakes in her hair. i don't think i would've gotten it if it didn't have that awesome detail. anyways, i was talking about the changes. 

so there's going to be a new support hero and a new dps hero. i'm actually really excited for one of them because they're an archaeologist! they can dig into the ground and that's really dope. i'm a big archaeology fan. the other one looks like some sort of space ranger? they already introduced mauga, the new tank, into the game. he's on free trial right now. honestly? i don't know how i feel about him! i don't play tank and when i do play tank i don't play tanks that don't have protection abilities. mauga has one but it's pretty shit. so, when i'm playing support my primary focus always has to be on the tank. because with TWO SUPPORTS he's still really easy to kill. sometimes it's harder depending on how good the supports are. i just think there's a lot of balance issues with his abilities. if there's an ashe and a bastion and a mauga on the same team with two main healers the team is basically impossible to kill. bastion is already horrendously in need of a nerf, paired with mauga's guns... dude. it's torture! even though ashe is pretty shit right now, her dynamite can set enemies on fire and that's annoying cause mauga's right gun does crit damage on enemies that are set ablaze. his left gun sets people on fire way too quickly and with ashe's dynamite he can easily wipe people out like it's nothing. and then paired with god damn bastion behind him! and then baptiste with his immortality field! daagh! so annoying! playing against mauga means you probably need to have kiriko on your team so she can extinguish you. 

anyways, since you've come this far you're probably curious as to who i play on overwatch! i don't stick to one hero so i don't really have a hardcore 'main'. when i started playing in 2018 i really liked junkrat so i stuck to him until i started playing again and now i'm really fond of reaper. i'm a damage/support kind of guy. when i play tank i play rein, cause he's the only one i know how to play. i play mei sometimes too but i like playing with meis more than i like playing as her. sometimes i'll dabble in soldier gameplay but i'm pretty dog at him. same with pharah! i'm just good at her ult.

and then in terms of support  i like zen and mercy. sometimes moira and ana too. mostly zen and mercy. i feel really dumb playing mercy sometimes because everyone who plays her is a girl. but, i really like her mobility. mobility is super important to me and being able to fly around the map is insanely fun. zen is just really cool. i get to play both support and dps as him. plus, his skins are awesome. 

talking about skins! here are my skins for the heros i play. 

i like to switch between fastball and cultist. mostly cause cultist reminds me of an old friend so i feel like even though that's the cooler skin, i'm probably best off representing myself with good ol' fastball! 

 anyways, i'm also quite behind on exam studying. well, i've been studying... to no avail. i think there's just a part of me who knows what i'm passionate about and i have some kind of selective learning! in one ear out the other. i just hope i pass this statistics test in 30 hours! then i have a chemistry test... man! life is so difficult! i might sit them both out. who knows. i'm sick of this whole school thing.

anyways, i'm out.
