Thursday, July 25, 2024

entry #12

it has been a few months since i wrote a blog post. i am now officially in university! woohoo! 

anyways, i won't get into all of that cause it's pretty boring. so, let me talk about what i've been getting up to lately.

i'm on my second semester of uni, and honestly, it's pretty freaking awful. as in, the workload is absurd and i hate it. the subjects? pretty cool. i'm doing biochemistry, bioengineering, compsci, and anthropology. so far, anthropology is surprisingly my favorite. biochemistry and bioengineering really suck. i'm actually behind on work, both schoolwork and commissions. so i need to get around to that. but, in my free time i've made my first youtube video... 

here it is, if you're curious.

it's just ghostbusters the video game (remastered) gameplay, nothing special. wanted to kickstart my youtube career with something simple. i dunno what other kinds of videos i'd make anyways. i've also been customizing my laptop for a bit. it currently looks a bit like this...

excuse the star trek episode i am currently watching (it's the among us one), but i've changed my background from the core 2003 to armageddon! which is one of my favorite movies. i also changed my theme for google and discord and some of my icons to look more gummy like and old. some of the other icons and whatnot are themed after windows XP. i guess i couldn't make up my mind to pick what i wanted the most.

i have also begun to code my own website that you can find here:

but, i haven't made the mobile css for it yet so i urge you to view it on your computer and only that. i'm planning on putting everything on there and slowly reducing my online presence. i think social media is the bane of a lot of my issues, and i need some kind of cleanse. this is good. i can still share my work, but without exposing myself to negativities clouding social media. i think it'd be nice, and i like personalizing the way i use the web. 

i'm planning on doing my computer science labs tonight, and then i gotta do some of the commissions i have. i plan on finishing two tonight, i hope. but, i also hope i can make my lab report on time too! compsci is pretty complicated and math heavy, which is quite literally my weakest subject. but a few 

so far, plans in regards for personal projects are i'm making a different version of my "rotisserie quest" project. i'm a little less headstrong about it, but it's going to be similar in a lot of ways. i'm making mini comics that i'll hopefully put out soon. maybe i'll put them up on strawpage or mspfa! we'll have to see. 

anywho, i'll try to update some more later. 


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