Sunday, April 30, 2023

entry #7 movie review of the knowing

 i haven't posted here in quite some time. i want to try and keep it a frequent thing because i am strictly against having a tumblr. i'm just too busy to vomit all my important thoughts out into the blogspot i keep forgetting i have! well, anyhow, i've been busy doing a lot of school work. but, that's boring to talk about. so i'm gonna review the movie Knowing (2009)! you might've seen it. it's a science fiction thriller with psychic children, aliens that look like jared leto when he bleached his hair, and nicholas cage. 

to be completely honest... this movie was surprisingly entertaining! i really like how cage totally nailed his character, john (hey!). we start off pretty well. the entirety of the pre-2009 jump was preformed really well. it set up the movie excellently and i was totally creeped out by this little girl's numeric code. but then the rest of the movie happened. there are a lot of things that are just left unexplained in this movie. i think it's because the jared leto aliens refused to talk, but, i think it's just kind of difficult to try and make sense of the story? so, aliens 50 years ago suddenly decided to contact this poor child into writing down a bunch of numbers to warn the world of a deadly solar flare. by the way, if you have any basic space science education you'll know that this is virtually impossible. the worst a solar flare could do is cost spacex a few billion dollars and set a forest fire off. which, is kind of bad but it's just not as cool of a post-apocalyptic movie as armageddon, deep impact, or interstellar are. the threat of asteroids, comets, and life-form killing fungi/disease is a lot more realistic and cooler than a dumb solar flare. i digress, then on top of that the superior lifeforms that warned humans about this end of times by forcing a child to spiral into a lifelong insanity about it show up looking like they came out of fashion week only to drop a few go stones and kidnap two random children. like, seriously? you really can't just.... i dunno.... stop the solar flare from happening? what's the point of killing off the rest of humanity if you were trying to save it by saving a handful of children? who even are these guys? also, where the HELL did they take them? it's just such a weird way to end the movie. i was really only satisfied that john got to make up to his parents and that he got over his dead wife! 

but, i'm a sucker for visual effects. 2009 seemed to be the year we finally started understanding how computer sfx worked. i mean, look at james cameron's avatar. that scene where the plane crashed into the road was flawlessly executed. i was really stunned by cage's performance during this scene too. you could really see that he was determined to keep all that panic and fear inside, especially in front of his kid. 

anyways, my friend cooper is posting me one of his spare pens so i can make digital art again. i'll share what i'm working on here because i've noticed that i don't share any of my personal projects on my blog and that's absurd. thanks for reading, if you are! 


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