Tuesday, June 6, 2023

entry #9 across the spider-verse + more (be wary of spoilers)

 i don't know how i forgot to mention the fact that i watched spider-man: across the spider-verse. cause, i did! and it was VERY GOOD. almost better and just as brilliant as the first spider-man into the spider-verse movie. i am baffled by the fact that they spent three years figuring out how to animate one character and he ended up being such a big fan favorite. totally worth it, in my opinion! anyways, onto the spoilers... 

stunned by the beauty of the animation, and absolutely floored by the story! it manages to build up something incredibly interesting from the previous film. everything makes sense, everything fits into place, and they managed to make a joke villain like the spot into something much more sinister. he's both lovable, and fearsome. i love how despite the clumsiness and the goofiness to him the rush of power gets to his head and you can see it in his personality. i'm also very fond of how they handled gwen and her relationship with her dad and the others in this. you get to learn a lot more about how gwen thinks and what goes on in her life beyond miles and that's amazing. i also really like how she manages to heal her relationship with her dad. just incredible and so very touching. her world has such a unique touch to it as well. miles will always be my favorite character and spiderverse does him so incredibly well that he's almost the perfect protagonist. when all other spider-men failed to have the determination that makes spider-man who he is, miles persists. i hope that ends up inspiring all the other spider-men in the end too. and prowler miles? all that foreshadowing from the first movie? SIIIIIIICK. soo sick. also a big fan of donald glover's appearance as a real life prowler. the only thing that really fucks me over about this film is the "to be continued" ending. such a marvelous experience that i'm gonna have to wait a whole year to re-experience. it's a pain in the ass but i have VERY high hopes that it will be worth the wait. oh MAN! i forgot all about how they fixed peter and mary jane's relationship and it makes me so happy. i am so sick and tired of the spider-man comics fucking it up and making peter a miserable piece of shit when they could've easily done this. they nailed mary jane's character down to a t perfect and just how it should be. she understands peter and she's good for him like she SHOULD be. always cheers me up to see good peter/mj rep. i could talk about so many of the other characters in the movie. they're all fantastic. miguel is also equally as funny as he is horrifying and badass. he has personality, he has motivation, and he looks fucking sick. 

this movie inspired dave and i to create our own spider-men. i kind of want to redraw them so i'll post them here afterwards. mine is way cooler just saying.

moving on from that, i think i mentioned reading superman: up in the sky yesterday. i commented on how hard to read it was and that i was beginning to feel disinterested in the comic. i'm very glad i didn't just stop reading because the ending was incredibly moving. when superman finally found alice, the conversation that ensues and the persistence to find her made me emotional. it made me remember exactly why i love superman. cause superman is pure good. he tries to be hope and that's so admirable. one child gets hurt because he wants to impersonate him and he thinks he has to quit in order to save that one child. then he realizes, the only way he's going to save these children is to be superman. and i also love batman's dialogue at the end where they ask how clark did it and he goes "cause he's superman". i actually grinned ear to ear when reading it. i'm so happy i picked up this comic. i'll continue to read more superman comics. 

last night i also watched the first guardians of the galaxy movie with my friend cooper, but i won't say much about it until we get to the third movie. i'm planning on watching all three in a row so i keep up with the story. all i gotta say for now is... I LOVE GOTG! and i'm so happy the reviews of the third movie are so positive! we have gotten two great movies this summer and i hope we keep getting good movies like this. 

 more about my life, i recently attended a convention. i think i forgot to mention that? i had a very good time! i bought jewelry for the first time. a triforce necklace and a necklace of an atom. they both look cool. i like wearing bracelets and necklaces sometimes but only the thick kinds. i also like watches but i haven't owned a watch in a while. it'd be a cool birthday gift, but i'm in favor of getting a gaming computer first. i actually bought a few stickers to put on the computer i eventually get around to buying. fingers crossed! i also got this depressing spider-man card holder cause i was in need of some kind of wallet. i'd much rather own an actual leather wallet but this'll do for now so i don't have to take out my deadpool purse every time i want to purchase something. it's not a purse but it sure looks like one. i have also been getting prepared to go to my schools ball! it's like american prom but we call it ball over here for some god forsaken reason. i haven't gone out suit shopping yet but i hope i can get around to doing that eventually. 

that's all from me for today.


(b.t.w, to the person copying my blog format for some reason... stop doing that you nerd.)

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