Monday, November 14, 2022

#3 craving pineapples!

 i've found that pineapples are hands down the best study snack. the texture doesn't upset my teeth, and it's the perfect amount of sweet and sour! totally helps me get things done. too bad i don't know how to open one... i consulted wikihow but that ended up in a mess. i prefer the canned slices! probably because it doesn't eat at my tongue like a unpreserved pineapple does. 

i fear i might fail my chemistry exam at this rate! i dunno but i'll have to pull something extraordinary to pass it. i just got through the first section of bonding and structure and it has been FOUR DAYS. i think i could've done it in 5 hours but my rapidly decreasing attention span and lack of interest is slowing me down a great bunch. to anyone reading this before november 17th, pray for me. 

i'm so glad i can draw again! i drew this poster thing for my fan comic, rotisserie quest but that didn't gain as much attraction as i'd hoped for! i might draw more dave to gain followers so more people can commission me. the subtotal of everyone's christmas gifts turned out to be close to 300 dollars so i really gotta work my butt off before december 25! i could share what i'm planning on getting everyone in here cause i doubt anyone is actually reading all this crap. i guess i'll reveal it later when i've finalized everything. my fingers are crossed that i can get a new pc for christmas! anything else off my wishlist is cool too.

 i'll probably do commissions for things off of it later. buying stuff online is a hassle unless someone else does it for me. besides, by then i'll get an actual physical job so i can save money and also get stuff for myself at the same time without feeling like i'm wasting my hard earned moolah! it just works, trust me. maybe i'll be a pizza delivery boy or something. i'd have to get my license first though... hopefully i can get my learners before my 17th? then i can just moped to places like a bad ass. alright, i'm lying to make myself feel better about only being able to ride some stupid scooter instead of an actual car or a motorcycle. i mean, i can drive a car just with people in it and that's a massive pain in the behind for anyone that has to accompany me.

speaking of dave, we finished watching lucario and the mystery of mew. it was good aside for the fact that a lot of things in that movie could've been avoided VERY easily. like the entire thing could've been avoided if that one girl didn't try to put a tracker on mew. oh well, at least lucario got his closure! i thought it was kind of gay how he was with that sir aaron guy. i wonder if there are like... moral issues when it comes to pokemon and human relationships? there has to be pokémon laws against it, right? but some pokémon can think for themselves. i'm not saying this cause i like the idea i'm genuinely curious if it's considered some weird kind of bestiality in the pokémon world or if it's a grey area. 

anways, i'm off to watching the shawshank redemption for the hundredth time cause i need to be able to quote it off by heart for my english exam tomorrow. no biggie cause i love that movie! 



thank you morgan freeman, your wise words and sultry narrating voice will guide me through writing this killer essay on institutionalization in the american incarceration system. maybe i'll cheese in some of my theories on how this entire movie had some weird christian undertones. how tim robbin's character, andy dufrsene, is actually symbolism for christ himself. i mean, religion was a big part in the movie! it only makes sense that they incorporated it in another, much deeper sense. 

actually, i'm going to stop myself right there. jeez i sound like a luntic. goodbye.


Sunday, November 13, 2022

#2 annoyances

having an alarming amount of trouble focusing on things. this is specifically directed at the fact that i can't study or get work done. i kind of always want to do my own thing. it's so difficult for me to pay attention (even when i'm trying) that i'm beginning to think it's abnormal. oh well. 

i also think i have another stalker on my hands. super creepy but it could also be a GIANT coincidence. i'll never know! 

just gotta get through all this chemistry studying without falling asleep. i have two massive books i need to read through in three days. D: 

the good news is that my tablet is fixed! i'll start up my commissions soon so i can afford getting my friends and family christmas gifts! trying out different art styles is really fun but i'm not really sure which one to settle on. do i really even have to settle on one anyways? i guess it'd help me attract costumers if i have one unique style i'm known for. 

anyways, i'm going to go back to watching dave play pokemon scarlet! bye. 


Thursday, November 10, 2022

people are actually looking at this now! entry one?

so apparently putting the website in my twitter immediately attracted views to the page. i might as well add something else in here to make it less uninteresting. i guess i'll use this blog as my online diary! i've always wanted to be old school annoying on the internet. this is a great way to start. i'd like to have something to preserve my legacy. my friend calvin tried to guide me through making a neocities website but honestly it's a bit of an inconvenience as a blog. this is so much easier. 

technically this is my first entry so i'm gonna tell you guys all about what i've been up to today! i take a lot of sciences and that is extremely awful when ncea exams roll around cause they're just a massive pain in the ass to take. mock exams went south and if i want to pass i need to study up for two terms worth of chemistry lessons. thanks a lot COVID i miss one week of school and i might as well wish that biology scholarship farewell. so, i'm up to a lot of studying this week seeing as my exam is in six days. 

speaking of science, i've decided that i'm going to be starting a science club at my school next year. it's going to be my final year of high school (grade 12 for you americans,) and i've almost done nothing meaningful at school. i was a prize recipient at our schools award ceremony and sitting there with my singular english scholar award whilst people were literally racking up award after award made me realize how i'm not abusing the shit out of my school's recourses enough! i could be doing more than what i am. i mean, you can only really attend high school once unless you dropped out early and regret it when you're in your forties. that's why i'm going to be joining the student council and starting my own science club! i'm not much for sports but i like general science and i feel like that's commendable enough to get some funding from the school for stuff like field trips! they don't really do much at school for students that don't actively engage in ten thousand different things. and the way the school operates could do with some... friendly suggestions? fingers crossed i can climb up the ranks to be able to make some changes in my final year for everyone cause we're all pretty frustrated at how our school operates. 

progress update on my fancomic "rotisserie quest"! 

i have finished sketching out the final design for the strider-egbert apartment. learning adobe flash has been, well, a failure. that's fine, i'll figure out the ropes eventually! i plan on making it quite heavily illustrated. no beautiful colors or anything, mainly cause i like the look better especially cause i'm going to do everything in my power to avoid the homestuck^2 look. my inspiration comes from riddler's gammon, another of hussie's works. would be nice if i got more help with the writing though. as much as i can write myself (because this is just some weird sort of fictional autobiography about a life i haven't lived yet), writing the people interacting with rotisserie-egbert is going to be difficult without help. i do want to include the whole homestuck entourage so i gotta get some more help when it comes to capturing the essence of everyone else in my comic. maybe help coming up with clever jokes and funny twists and turns would be great too. it'll happen eventually. 

anyways, if you can't tell i'm a very very busy guy with a lot on his plate already and i have so many ideas i want to add to said full plate! been watching a lot of night court and hanging out with my best friend dave to relax and forget about the massive weight on my back. hopefully i can get around to going back to learning javascript. 


Wednesday, November 9, 2022