Sunday, November 13, 2022

#2 annoyances

having an alarming amount of trouble focusing on things. this is specifically directed at the fact that i can't study or get work done. i kind of always want to do my own thing. it's so difficult for me to pay attention (even when i'm trying) that i'm beginning to think it's abnormal. oh well. 

i also think i have another stalker on my hands. super creepy but it could also be a GIANT coincidence. i'll never know! 

just gotta get through all this chemistry studying without falling asleep. i have two massive books i need to read through in three days. D: 

the good news is that my tablet is fixed! i'll start up my commissions soon so i can afford getting my friends and family christmas gifts! trying out different art styles is really fun but i'm not really sure which one to settle on. do i really even have to settle on one anyways? i guess it'd help me attract costumers if i have one unique style i'm known for. 

anyways, i'm going to go back to watching dave play pokemon scarlet! bye. 


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